I saw an error message and my system now appears brand new or without any of my data. Can I recover my lost files?
In most cases with this scenario we can recover data. It’s important to turn the system off so you don’t cause any further damage and call us to discuss your recovery options.
I dropped my external hard drive and now it won’t detect. I also hear a slight clicking sound. Is there any chance I can recover my data?
Unplug the drive immediately from anything you have it attached to. The read/write mechanism in your drive is very delicate and can easily cause irreversible damage to the disks internals so you need to call us to discuss your recovery options as soon as possible.
All I get on my Mac is a grey square with a question mark in it. Can I recover my system back up and get my computer running again?
This generally means there is a hard drive issue and the disk will need to be assessed here in the clean room to determine if a recovery is possible.
All I get on my PC is a black screen with a blinking white cursor. Can I recover my data?
This fault may sometimes be followed with a “Non System Disk Error “message. Your PC is saying it can’t find the hard drive. Hold the power button down on your machine until the system forces a complete shutdown and call us to discuss your recovery options. The drive could be in a very unstable state in this scenario and forcing the machine off will protect your hard drive.
I was moving some data on my system and my machine froze and now I can’t find that folder/file anywhere. Can I recover the folder/files I need?
If a move is interrupted there is a chance the data will still be there but not in the systems file table. We normally have good results in this situation so call us and we can discuss your options.
I plugged my external hard drive into my friend’s machine and now it won’t detect on any machine I plug it into. Can I recover my data?
This is usually an issue of corruption and can be manually repaired by one of our techs.
My External Hard drive won’t detect after I plugged it into my TV. Can I recover my data?
There is no safe eject on TV’s (we don’t know why they didn’t build this in) so when you pull the disk out there is a chance of corrupting the drive. The good news is that in most cases a full recovery is possible.
I need to get deleted text messages from my phone.
This will depend heavily on the timeframes and what type of phone you are using. We’ll need to perform a scan and assessment so call us to chat through your options.
I accidentally formatted my hard drive. Can I recover my data?
This is a common question, and most of the time the answer is “yes” however it will depend on a number of factors including the type of format and what actions were taken after the format process. Call through to discuss your specific situation and we can map out getting your data back.
I accidentally hit format on my camera card. Can I recover my data?
This too depends on the model of camera among other things but in 90% of cases we can recover all images. Call us and we can talk through the recovery process.